Mérite culturel

We present some impressive individuals who have been awarded by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen and the Commune Council for their special contributions to culture. These dedicated people have enriched our community with their creative work and were honored in a small ceremony.

Discover their stories and get inspired!



Jean Schumacher began his musical journey at the age of 8, playing the tuba in the Schëtter Musek. He pursued his music studies at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, earning a diploma in music education and instrumental pedagogy. During his years as a music teacher at the Lycée Athénée in Luxembourg, he helped establish the music section and became, among other roles, president of MUSEP. Since 2002, Jean Schumacher has led the Ste Cécile Choir of Hostert for over 20 years.

Foto Claude Hoffmann

Claude Hoffmann was born in 1949 and came into contact with music at an early age, as his father, Norbert Hoffmann (1916-2011), was a well-known Luxembourgish composer, conductor, and music educator. He served as the conductor of the Luxembourg Military Band from 1960 to 1971 and composed over 300 musical pieces in total. Claude Hoffmann was the conductor of the Fanfare “La Réunion” Hueschtert from 1975 to 2002 and again from 2002 to 2024. Among other contributions, the commune owes the establishment of the music school to him.

On May 30, 2016, actor Luc Schiltz received the cultural award from the Commune of Niederanven. Schiltz, from a gastronomy family, developed his talents early in theater and later studied in Metz and Liège. He became vice-president of "actors.lu" and co-founder of "Vivarium Tremens" and "Hydra Editions." Schiltz acted in international films and impressed in the Luxembourgish film "Eng nei Zäit." The award ceremony took place at the "Kulturhaus Nidderaanwen."

Gust Graas was a Luxembourgish painter and businessman, born in 1924. He was known for his abstract works, often featuring bold colors and geometric shapes. Graas was also the founder of the Luxembourg television channel RTL. His artworks were exhibited and appreciated internationally. He passed away in 2020, leaving behind a significant artistic legacy.


On September 26, 2000, the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, the Commune Council members, and the Cultural Commission awarded Mr. Jean Even the cultural merit for his active participation in cultural life locally and nationally. Mr. Even was the conductor of the "Ste Cécile" choir in Hostert, the organist of Hostert's parish church, and the secretary-general of the "Union Saint Pie X".

In the presence of Ministers Erna Hennicot-Schoepges and Alex Bodry, Professor Léopold Reichling was awarded the "Cultural Merit" of the Commune of Niederanven in May 1998. This award for exceptional services in the cultural field was presented to Professor Léopold Reichling by the then mayor of the Commune of Niederanven, Jean Schiltz, for his tireless efforts in the conservation and protection of "Aarnescht".


Picture: Wikipedia

Emile Erpelding was born on June 23, 1917, in Merzlich on the Moselle. As a founding member of the "Geschichtsfrënn vun der Gemeng Nidderaanwen," he made significant contributions to local history research. On May 30, 1997, he was honored by the Commune of Niederanven with the "Mérite Culturel." The exhibition "From Grain to Bread" was dedicated to him in appreciation.

Joseph Jean Schumacher was born on September 9, 1913, in Senningen. An autodidact, he dedicated his life to the history of the country and particularly to the local history of his hometown, Niederanven. His pioneering work in the field of local history was recognized in 1988 with the founding of the "Geschichtsfrënn vun der Gemeng Nidderaanwen". In 1993, he was honored with the "Mérite Culturel" for his outstanding contributions to the cultural heritage of Niederanven.